London would eschew centralised government, adopting instead a federal constitution modelled on the one British officials wrote for the German Federal Republic. 伦敦不会选择中央集权政府,而是将以英国官员为德意志联邦共和国撰写的宪法为模板,实行联邦宪法。
Every level of the federal courts has the power to interpret the Federal Constitution and federal laws and regulations. 各个级别的联邦法院都有权解释联邦宪法和联邦法律法规。
The Impact of the Covenant of Christianity on American Federal Constitution 论基督教圣约观对美国联邦主义宪政的影响
The courts struck down local segregation laws because they violated the federal constitution. 法院废除了当地的隔离法,因为它们违背了联邦宪法的规定。
Washington's administration of the presidency under the new federal Constitution was not untroubled. 根据新的联邦宪法产生的华盛顿总统的政府并非一帆风顺。
Perhaps the most important of these other federal powers arises from the property clause of the Constitution. 联邦权力中其他最为重要的权力或许体现在宪法中的财产条款。
The federal entity created by the Constitution is by far the dominant feature of the American governmental system. 宪法所建立的联邦统一体,到目前为止,是美国政府制度最主要的特色。
The federal Constitution, federal laws, and international treaties are supreme to state or local law. 联邦宪法、联邦法律及国际条约优于州或当地的法律。
The basis for federal court involvement is the commerce clause of the Constitution. 联邦法院参与的依据是宪法中的《商业条款》。
Constitutional Restraints on the System of Constitutional Review of the US Federal Court& From the Perspective of Article Three of the US Federal Constitution 美国联邦法院违宪审查的宪法限制&以《联邦宪法》第3条为视角
The federal courts have the sole authority to interpret the Constitution and to evaluate the federal constitutionality of federal or state laws. 唯一有权解释宪法的是联邦法院并且它还可以评估联邦或州法律的合宪性。
Each government is based on a written constitution, which cannot contradict the federal constitution. 每个政府是建立在不与联邦宪法冲突的成文宪法之上的。
In determining the constitutional right to a jury trial one must be careful to distinguish between the federal constitution and state constitutions and between civil cases and criminal cases. 在确定宪法中规定的陪审团审理的权利的过程中,任何一个人都必须把联邦宪法和州宪法、民事诉讼和刑事诉讼认真地加以区别。
Tow centuries ago, men from 13 colonies in North America met in Philadelphia and hammered out a federal constitution. 200年前,来自北美的13个殖民地的人相聚费城,制订出了一部联邦宪法。
Over everything is the federal government, which has certain responsibilities specified in the constitution. 高高在上的是联邦政府,宪法中规定了它的责任。
The right to a jury is generally guaranteed by the federal Constitution in federal cases, and state constitutions typically contain similar provisions which apply in state cases. 陪审团的权利通常由联邦宪法在联邦案例中保证,适用于州案例的类似规定则包含在州宪法中。
Until the Hellenistic period, when the power of Thebes was pulled down, Boeotia was united with true federal constitution; 直到希腊化时期,底比斯的强权被彻底摧毁,彼奥提亚地区才在联邦体制下实现统一;
Negotiations over the federal constitution almost foundered on the subject of the Murray-Darling. 关于修改联邦宪法的谈判几乎在墨累-达令问题上崩盘。
Cal: Ideally, I wish it were possible for the federal government to perform only those tasks specified in the Constitution and leave all the rest to the states, as specified in the10th Amendment. 卡尔:理想,我希望这是政府可能将联邦只执行这些任务的宪法规定,将所有其余的国家,作为修订指明的第10位。
Complexity that Russia's federalism forms, federal non-harmonious, constitution of subject-treaty federal mode and Russian president stay Russian federal system, delegate plenipotentiary of district, embody particularity, Russia of federalism. 俄罗斯联邦制构成的复杂性、联邦主体的非均衡性、宪法&条约联邦模式以及俄总统驻俄联邦区全权代表制度都体现出俄罗斯联邦制的特殊性。
From confederation Statute to the federal constitution, how to defend their benefit at the same time get common constitution pass, each state has carried out intense debate and struggle. 从《邦联条例》到《联邦宪法》,为维护自己利益最大化的同时又要取得共同宪法得以通过,各州进行了激烈的辩论和斗争。
Analyze the Problems of Canadian Federal Constitution from the Implementation of the Treaty 从国际条约的执行看加拿大联邦宪法问题
This thesis tries hard to analyze the intrinsic relation between American state constitution and federal constitution by visual angle of multivariate culture. 本文力图从多元文化的视角,分析美国州宪法与联邦宪法的一种内在联系。
The federal Constitution is the main basis to protect college teachers 'and students' right. 因此,联邦宪法是适用于高等教育的最重要的法源,也是美国大学教师和学生权利保护的主要依据。
About the research on American constitution, native and foreign scholars have produced plenty of works, but it is very few of study from the visual angle of multiculture, especially the research on relation between American state constitution and federal constitution is few and few. 关于美国宪法的研究,中外学者著述颇丰,但是从多元文化的视角进行研究的,却不多见,尤其关于美国州宪法与联邦宪法之间关系的研究也是不多。
Compared with uniform law, statutory law plays a more important role and it mainly consists of federal constitution, state constitutions, law, treaties, rules of court and administrative bodies 'regulations and resolutions. 制定法的主要内容包括:联邦宪法、州宪法、法律、条约、法院规则及行政机关规章与决议等。
Griswold v. Connecticut "found" the constitution concept "privacy right", which have not been advanced in federal constitution. 格瑞斯沃尔德诉康涅狄格州案发现了联邦宪法没有明确提出的隐私权这一宪法权利概念。
The federal constitution stipulates the criminal prosecution system exhaustively in its text which enables its criminal procedure law to have the supreme legal origin. 联邦宪法在其文本中重点和详尽地规定刑事诉讼制度,使得其刑事诉讼法具有了至高无上的法律渊源。
The second one is to reveal the political compromise in the Constituent Assembly through analysing the formation and the approval of the "Federal Constitution". 其次是通过分析《联邦宪法》的形成与通过来透视制宪会议中存在的政治妥协。